Welcome to Buildify API! These terms of use govern your access and utilization of our API.

By accessing or using our API, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined below. If you do not agree with these terms, you are not authorized to use our API.

  1. Acceptance of Terms

By using our API, you signify your acceptance of these terms of use. These terms may be amended or updated from time to time without notice, and you agree to be bound by such modifications, changes, or updates.

  1. Disclaimer Display

You are required to include our disclaimer prominently on your site or application where our API data is used or displayed. This disclaimer must be visible to all users and not altered or obscured in any way. The disclaimer text can be found at the bottom of this document.

  1. Authorized Use

Our API feed may only be used on website URLs that have been explicitly authorized by us in writing. You agree not to use our API feed on any website or platform that has not received such authorization. Unauthorized use may result in the termination of your access to our API services.

  1. Data Integrity

You agree not to alter, modify, transform, or create derivative works based on the data provided through our API. The integrity of the data must be maintained at all times. Additionally, you may not save, store, or archive the data provided through our API in any form or on any device or external system.

  1. Removal of Listings

You must promptly remove or delete any listings or data entries that are pulled from our API upon our request. Failure to comply with removal requests may result not only in the termination of your access to our API services but also in legal implications.

  1. No Redistribution

The data provided through our API is for your use only on the authorized platform and may not be sold, redistributed, or provided to any third party without our express written consent.

Disclaimer Text (Paste in website footer)

Information on this website is for general reference only. We do not represent the builder directly and are not liable for any use of the data. Prices, sizes, specifications, and promotions are subject to change by the builder without notice. (E.& O.E.). Data feed managed by Buildify.