Listing objects can be very large, and searching for those can return huge amounts of data. Fetching huge amounts of unwanted data will only affect your latency and front-end experience. To avoid these problems, Buildify provides another parameter that helps you retrieve data for only those attributes you want to use.


Array of Strings, Optional, Default: ["*"]

By default, endpoints provide all the data fields. You can limit those fields by specifying which attributes to retrieve in an array.

Works for both listings and profiles endpoints.


     "search": "Residences",
     "perPage": 5,
     "retrieveAttributes": [
  "results": [
      "name": "The Capitol Residences",
      "country": "Canada",
      "streetName": "Yonge Street",
      "objectID": "TP67S1"
      "country": "Canada",
      "name": "UOVO Boutique Residences",
      "streetName": " Yonge Street",
      "objectID": "SKOKP9"
      "country": "Canada",
      "streetName": "Kingston Road",
      "name": "The View Beach Residences",
      "objectID": "S4BN5H"
      "country": "Canada",
      "streetName": "Yonge Street",
      "name": "The Capitol Residences",
      "objectID": "RZJTVG"
      "name": "The Capitol Residences",
      "streetName": "Yonge Street",
      "country": "",
      "objectID": "P42YGZ"
  "total": 51,
  "page": 0,
  "pages": 11,
  "perPage": 5



retrieveAttributes are required when you perform filter operations with filterQuery.